Task for the Swifters: 5000 LIKES!!! Special thanks to Bman7399 who sent in this user request! THE RISE OF ENDERSWIFT EP. 8 - "THE RETURN" bit.ly Texture Pack: bit.ly HOW TO STALK A RUNNER: bit.ly "HOW TO" SHOW PAGE: www.youtube.com If you enjoyed this video please take a sec to leave a LIKE on this video! Let's show YouTube how amazing the Swifters are!!! Show Page: bit.ly Music: c418.bandcamp.com TQF Music: www.youtube.com Minecraft Files Intro Song: www.youtube.com _______________ Twitter: bit.ly Facebook: on.fb.me Q&A: www.youtube.com My Other Channels ChimneyVlogs - www.youtube.com CS11Gaming - www.youtube.com CS11Scrolls - www.youtube.com Intro Music: www.youtube.com Outro Music: www.youtube.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5
tqf:can u put villagers in the houses?
People should be happy he is even uploading all these awsome vids.
iv seen them all cause i luv your chanle i watch your chanle 24/7
my favorite elder scroll is oblivion
it’s ok, all elder scroll games are awesome
you said marrow wind let’s play
Wat was that ice rocket thing???
Sometimes i feel sorry for chimney, he busts his ass do make video’s more then any youtuber i’m subed too, and if he tries to relax even for one day, there is a hoard of angry 12 year olds to point it out to him =/
the doors are a bug
It’s fine mate, i enjoy your videos, even if they are late… Just upload them when you want!!
chimney, you deserve more respect than that
Awe, it’s ok. Upload whatever you want whenever you want.
I’m actually very impatient but i hate it when people get stressed like you were here. xx
He does have a life, to people who are demanding (calm Down)
He’s not the type to keep playing 10 times a day!
He has a gf & family…
Let me say chim it’s ok…. it’s ok.
@rilesOrama You can play minecraft on a Mac…
Thumbs up to chim give him more likes his like a god common guys!!!
Poor chim I feel bad for u
I Need to say that ChineySwift is poor guy bechose he needs better than 2,984 likes and 29
DISLIKES!He needs well…
4,783 likes and 0 DISLIKES!
The complainers are selfish! Nobody wants to do the same stuff over and over and need to try something else. Also, not everything is on time. Even Chim doesn’t upload stuff on time sometimes. When you get that busy with tons of series and your life, things aren’t on time. I don’t care how long it takes for them to be uploaded, I’ll wait for the files.
chimney i know what you are trying to say and i will follow
novas a no show D:
My week sucked cause i want to get minecraft but i have i mac and i dont want to download PC sofware because i might get a virus
you did the right thing though…Skyrim is the best game in the world right now….straight up
@MonkadilloRS monadillo im with you on this one